Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Website Evaluation

Free Forever Dog Island

1.      Has someone taken responsibility for the content of this web site?


2. Is information about the author or organization clearly stated?


3. Are there any links to in-depth information about the author or organization?

-There is a link called contact information. This link is basically information on how to reach the island workers.

1.      Is emotion used as a means of persuasion?

-YES, it talks about how the dogs will be at ease because they will be away from stress.

2.      Is the information well written and easy to understand?


3.      What’s the copyright status of material found on the site?

-Copyright © 2003-2010


1.      Is it important that the information you’re looking for be absolutely current?

-It really depends on what you are looking for. When it comes to history stuff, it is good for things to be current and old. Now, say you are looking at a law that was created; it is good that the information be current because laws can change over the years.

2.      Is a reference date provided to show when the material was put online, or when it was last updated?

-There is nothing telling me when the material was put online or when it was last updated.

3.      Do the links work?

-YES, all of the different links work.


-This website is a .com website. "According to the five W’s and one H website, . com means that this website is a commercial organizations website" (5 W’s and 1 H).


1.      How can you tell what’s what?

-In this website, it is so easy to tell what is what. There are links on the top of the website that say FAQ’s, facilities, photos, ext. Just by looking at the website, it is easy to see all the different components, and it is easy to tell what is what.

I chose a website called “Free Forever Dog Island”. It is about an island where dogs stay. I found out that the creditability is not that great. First of all it does not have an author. Since there is no author, there is no explicit information about the author. The information is written so people can understand it. The different links work really well. It does have a copyright date. I just have a hard time believing that this site is creditable.  

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