Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Double Entry Journal # 4- The World of Digital Storytelling


"As the technology becomes more powerful, their stories become weaker, illustrating the truth of the saying 'What happens when you give a bad guitar player a bigger amplifier?'"


I agree with this quote. There are students who do not know how to use digital stories program. If they do not know how to use it; then how can they make a really good digital story. You have to learn how to use the technology before you make the story. You can not just go to the digital story website and just automatically be able to make a story. The quote uses the example about giving a bad guitar player a big amplifier. That basically means that the guitar player will sound so much worse if he or she has a big amplifier. It is the same with digital stories. They will turn out bad if the student does not know how to use the digital story program. So it just goes to show that students need to learn how to use something before they use it.


This is a picture of a cover of a book all about digital storytelling. I chose to use this picture because it shows that there is a book out there that can help students learn how to make a digital story. Once students know how to use a digital story program; they can make a story that is maybe informative or they make a story that is about their life. Students can have fun with their stories, and it is a good way to have the students learn in a fun and creative way.


Digital storytelling in the classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Ohler, Jason. (n.d.). The world of digital storytelling. Retrieved from


  1. I'm really glad you chose to focus on the amplification effect of technology! This has important implications for schooling!

    Wonderful job on your posting! You are making good connections to your personal experiences and additional resources.

    total 5/5
