Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Double Entry Journal #6-Teaching Media Literacy

Media Literacy Skills and Traditional Literacy Skills 

Both media literacy skills and traditional literacy skills have common qualities. Media literacy means that you are able to read and look up information on the computer or any other technological device. Traditional skills means that you can read and look up information in a book. Both of them have a relationship because you can read and find information from both.


" By integrating elements of digital media literacy into students' instruction, teachers can influence how well students critically assess content, both online and offline".


I chose this quote because I agree with the statement. By having students post their reflection or their answers on the computer; the teacher is able to access them. Since teachers are able to access them; teachers can see if the students are understanding what they are reading. It is also nice for students to use the computer, so that way they can communicate with the teacher and other students. By using the computer, students are also able to find information for any other project they have to do in school. Schools now a days have to have access to the internet. Students will at least have one assignment, if not more, that deal with computers. Years from now, computers will still be in use and that will never change.


I found a web article called "Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action". This article is an overview of a book called Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action. It talks about how there is a plan for digital and media literacy. I chose it because I thought it showed that there is a plan out there for students using digital and media literacy.


David, Jane, L. (2009, March). Teaching media literacy. Educational leadership, 66(6), 84-86. Retrieved from

Garmer, Amy. (2010, November 10). Digital and media literacy: A plan of action. Retrieved from


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