Thursday, February 2, 2012

Double Entry Journal # 3

Are Digital Media Changing Language?

"Besides amplifying the linguistic "whatever" attitude, computers and mobile phones are instrumental in a second attitudinal shift—a change in the degree to which we control our linguistic interactions."


I chose this quote because I believe in what it is saying. When we text we have a control over what is said in the text. We also have control over if we want to talk to a certain person on the phone. We have the power to do whatever we want on the phone. People can be really mean at times. If they are saying something rude in a text message; we have the power to ignore them, or to let them know that they are being really hurtful in the message. If we don't want to talk to someone; we don't have to. When we have the phone in our hand; we are in control of whatever happens on the phone.


I chose this video because it show how kids are changing with all different kinds of digital media.

The Keypad Solution


"David Crystal, the author of “Txtng: The Gr8 Db8,” told me in an e-mail message that “there’s nothing in texting to suggest spelling reform,” noting that texting relies heavily on abbreviations, which he sees as creative stylings, not systematic improvements."


I agree 100% on what David Crystal is saying. Texting does not teach students how to spell words corectly. The texting abreviations actually can confuse students when it comes to texting. Students could accidently take those abreviations and put them into a report that they are writing. That would be a major hurt on their paper if they use words like: Gr8, g2g, or lol. Those kind of word are good in texting but not in learning how to spell. I actually think that abreviating words like that can also hurt the student. Those words could get into the students mind so much that everything they write out they could accidently use those abreviations in their work that is very important for school. Students have to be careful when it comes to writing because they are so used to abreviating in texting.


As I said in my above comment, text messaging is affecting how the students spell. I found an article called The GR8 Spelling Revolution: Texting's Impact on the English Language. It talks about how texting is affecting out students ability to spell because they are exposed to the text messaging lingo.


Baron, Naomi, S. (2009). Are digital media changing language. (66 ed., Vol. 6, pp. 42-46). Literacy 2.0. Retrieved from¢.aspx

Enie, Marie. (2010, February 4). The gr8 spelling revolution: Texting's impact on the english language. Retrieved from

Shea, Ammon. (2010, January 22). The keypad solution. The New York Times, Retrieved from

(2006, December 18). Are kids different because of digital media? . [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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